Here's two upcoming events that Well-Typed will be involved in:
Hal6 Haskell-Workshop, 7 October 2011, Leipzig, Germany
This is a one-day workshop with various talks and tutorials. I will be giving a tutorial (90 minutes) on parallel programming in Haskell. In addition, Kevin Hammond will be talking about parallel refactorings.
Most of the talks during the day will be in German. So if you speak German, you might want to consider coming to Leipzig!
FP Day, 14 October 2011, Cambridge, UK
This is a one-day training event for Haskell, F#, and Clojure, aimed mainly at participants from industry. Simon Peyton Jones and Don Syme are keynote speakers. Well-Typed is running a hands-on introduction to Haskell (180 minutes). There are a limited number of tickets available, and registration is open. It would be great to see you there!