Well-Typed is partnering with Skills Matter to offer two Haskell courses in London, targeting professional developers who want to learn Haskell.
Fast Track to Haskell
8-9 October 2012
A two-day introduction to Haskell assuming no previous Haskell or functional programming experience. Covers Haskell syntax, how to define functions and datatypes, dealing with IO, and monads.
Advanced Haskell
11-12 October 2012
A two-day course for people with basic Haskell experience who want to take their Haskell skills to the next level. Covers functional data structures, profiling Haskell programs, concurrency and parallelism, programming patterns and type-level programming.
The courses are designed such that they can be taken both individually and in sequence.
On the day in between, October 10, Skills Matter is organizing the Haskell eXchange, a one-day conference featuring talks by Simon Peyton Jones, Simon Marlow, Lennart Augustsson, Blake Rain, Duncan Coutts and Rob Harrop.
Registration for all these events is open. I hope to see many of you there.